Human L4 Array, Membrane
Antigen Information
Assay Format
Product Specifications
Product Features
High density arrays
500 Human proteins
Direct biotin labeling of proteins
High detection sensitivity
Accurate and reproducible
Affordable, quick and simple to use
Target Names
HSPA1A, HTRA1, Human Agrin, IBP160 , IDH1, IDH3A, IFRD1 , IMP2, IGFBP-rp1, IGSF4B, Ihh, ILK, Inhibin beta, Integrin b1, Integrin beta 6, Intergrin a6, IQGAP1 , IQGAP2 , IRE1, IRS2, ISOC2, ITGB4BP, ITIH1, ITIH2, ITIH3, ITIH4 a, JAM-A, JARID2, Karyopherin beta 1, Keratin 36, Keratin 38, KHSRP, KIAA0319L, KIAA1468, KIAA1967, KIF5B , Kilon, KLK-B1, KMD4B, KMT2B, KRT31, KRT72, KRT73, KRT82, KRT85 N-terminal, KRTDAP, KRTHA3B, KSR1, LAD, LAF4, LAIR1, LAM b1, LAMA, Lamin A/C, Lamin B1, Lamin B2, Laminin 2 alpha, Laminin b2, Laminin gamma 1, LAMP, LAMP1, LAMP2, LAP3, LASP1, Latent TGF beta bp2, LCAT, LCMT2, LDHA, LDHB, LEDGF, LEKTI, LILRA3, LIMS1, LMAN2, LMW-PTP, LOK, LOX, LOXL1, LRP 4, LTA4H, LTBP4, Lubricin, LUZP1, LYPA1, Lysozyme, MAGI2, MAGP-2, MAN1, MANF, Mannosidase II, MAP1A, MAPRE1, MARCKS, Complement MASP3, MBD2 , MBP, MCAM, Mcl-1, MCM, MCM5 , MCMP2, MDH1, MDH2, ME1, Meprin alpha, Metallothionein, Metavinculin, MFAP4, MFI2, mGLUR5, MGP, Mimecan, MINPP1, MLCK, MMR, MMRN1, MN1, Moesin, MP1, MPCA, Myeloperoxidase, MRP 1, MSH6, mTOR, MUCDHL, Multimerin 2, MyBPC3, MYH2, MYH6, MYH7, MYHC, MYL12B , MYL3, MYO5A, Myoferlin , Myosin 18B, Myotrophin, NABC1, NAGLU, NAP1L1 , NAPRT1, NASP , NCAM2 , Nebulin, Nectin-1, Nectin-3, NEDD8, Neogenin, Nesprin2, Neurabin 1, N-Cadherin, Neurofibromin, Neurogranin, Neuropeptide B, Neuropilin-1, Neurotrimin, NF-M, Nidogen-2, NIT2, NME3, nNOS, Noelin, Non-muscle Actin, Non-muscle Myosin IIA, Notch-2, Notch-2 ICD, NPAS3, NPM1, NQO2, NT5C3, Nucleobindin 1, NUP98, OBCAM, OIT3, Olfactomedin-2, Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase , Orosomucoid 2, ORP150, OSBP1, OSCAR, Oncostatin M R beta, Osteoadherin, Oxytocin-neurophysin 1, p16 ARC , P20Sb3, p23, p39 , P4HB, p73, PA2G4, PABP, PACS1, PARVB, PCBP1, PCBP2, PCCA, PCDH7, PCDX8, PCK2 , PCMT1, PCNA, PCPE-1, Proprotein Convertase 9, PCYOX1, PDE1B, PDIA6, PDLIM1, PDLIM5, PDZD2, PEBP4, PEPD, PER1, Perilipin-3, Perilipin-1 , Periostin, Peroxiredoxin 2, Peroxiredoxin 3, Peroxiredoxin 5, PF4V1, PGAM1, PGAM2, PGD, PGDF, PGK-1, PGLS-C-t, PGM1, PGRPL, PHAP1, Phosphoserine Aminotransferase, PI3-Kinase C2 beta, pIgR, PIK3IP1, PIN, PISD, PKLR, PLA2G1B, Plakophilin 1, Plastin L, PLC-gamma 1 , Pleckstrin, Plectin, Plexin B1, Plexin B2, PLOD1, PLOD2, PLS3, Plxdc2, PNP, POR, PPCS, PPOX , PPP2R1B , PPP2R4, PRCP, PRDM13, PRDX 1, PRELP, PREP, PRG2, Prion protein PrP , Profilin 1, Properdin, Prosaposin, Prostaglandin D Synthase, Proteasome 20S a+b, Proteasome 20S alpha, Proteasome 20S alpha 5, Proteasome 20S b7, Proteasome 26S S5, Proteasome beta 1, Proteasome subunit alpha type 6, Proteasome subunit beta type 2, Proteasome subunit beta type 4, Coagulation Factor XIV, Protein Z, Prouroguanylin, PRSS23, PRSS3, Myeloblastin, PSMA1, PSMA2, PSMA4, PSMA7, PSMB5, PSMC3 , PSMD1, PSMD9 , PTEN, PTK 7, PTMA, PTP gamma, PTP kappa, PTP mu, PTPRS, PTPRZ, PYGL, PZP, QDPR, QPRT, Quiescin Q6, Rab7a, Ran, RanGAP1, RAP1AB, Rbm15, RCL , Reg1A, Reg3A, RHOC, RhoGDI, Ribonuclease A, Ribonuclease Inhibitor, Ribonuclease T2, RKIP, RNA Polymerase II, RNASE4, RNASE6, RPL10, RPL10A , RPL11, RPL12, RPL14 , RPL17, RPL22, RPL5, RPL7A, RPLP0 , RPS10, RPS11, RPS12, RPS19, RPS2, RPS20 , RPS23, RPS25, RPS28, RPS3, RPS5, RREB1, RSU1, S100 A1, S100 A11, S100 A7, S100 A9, S100P, SAA, SAA4a, Salivary alpha amylase, SAMSN1, SBP-1, SBSN, SDF4, SDNSF, SDPR, Secretogranin V, Semaphorin 6B, Semaphorin 7A, Semenogelin I, Semenogelin II, Serpin A11, Serpin A7, Serpin B3, Serpin B6, Serpin B8, Serpin F2, Serpin A10, Serpin B1, Serpin B4, Serpin E2, SerRS, SET, SEZ6L2, SF20, SH3BGRL, SH3BGRL3, SHANK1, SHC1, SHIP, SHMT1, SHP-1, Siglec-1, Siglec-14, SIM2 , SIRP beta 1, Six3, SLC38A10, SLITRK1, SLURP1, SMA, SMC4 , SMPD4, SOD1, SOD2, SOD3, SOD4, Somatostatin, SORD, SorLA, SOX4, SP-D, Spectrin beta-5, SPEN, SPINK7, SPTBN1, Src(1), SREC-II, STAT3, Stathmin 1, Sterol carrier protein 2, STI1, STOM, SUCLG1, SUMO3, Symplekin, SynCAM, Syntaxin 7, TAB182, TAGLN2, Talin1, Talin1&2, TAX1BP3 , TBCA, TCEB2, Tcf20, TCN1, TCP1 eta, Tenascin C, Tenascin X(1), TFF2(1), TGM3, Thioredoxin-1, Thimet Oligopeptidase, Thymosin b10, Titin, TLS, TMEM223, TOB2 , TOP2B, TPM4, Tripeptidyl-peptidase I, Transaldolase 1, Transketolase, Transthyretin, TRAP1, TRAP220, TRF 2, Triosephosphate isomerase, Tropomyosin 3, TRP-1, TRPS1, Trypsinogeb-2, TrypsinPan, Tryptophanyl, TSR2, TUBA6, TWF2, TXNDC4, TXNDC5, TXNRD2, UBE2D3, Ube2L3, UBE2N, Ubiquitin+1, UCH-L1, UFM 1, UGGT, UNC-13 Homolog D, UNC45A, UNC5H4, UPB1 , UQCRB, UQCRH , URB, URB2, UROC1, UROD, URP2, USP14 , USP5 , Uteroglobin, Utrophin, VAP-1, VAP-A, VCP, VDAC1 , Versican isoform V0, Vimentin B, VNN1, VSIG4, WDR1, WISP2, WNK2, YB1 , YY1, ZBTB4, ZC3H4-N-t, ZC3H8, ZDHHC18 , ZNF671, Zyxin
Target Species
Application Notes
For best results, store the entire kit frozen at -20°C upon arrival. Stored frozen, the kit will be stable for at least 6 months which is the duration of the product warranty period. Once thawed, store array slide(s) at -20°C and all other reagents undiluted at 4°C for no more than 3 months.
This product is furnished for LABORATORY RESEARCH USE ONLY.
Not for diagnostic or therapeutic use.